Swimming pools offer endless opportunities for fun and fitness, especially when incorporating a variety of exciting games. Whether you’re hosting a pool party or simply looking to add some excitement to your swim, there are plenty of games to play in the swimming pool.

These games can enhance your water experience, making swimming even more enjoyable. From classics like Marco Polo to creative races, these swimming pool games promote teamwork, coordination, and exercise. Dive in and discover the best swimming pool games that will keep everyone entertained!


1. Marco Polo

Marco Polo is a classic pool game that involves one player being “it” and keeping their eyes closed while trying to tag other players. The “it” player calls out “Marco,” and the others must respond with “Polo,” helping the seeker locate them by sound alone.

The goal is to avoid being tagged; the person tagged becomes the next “it.” This game is great for improving spatial awareness and can be played by swimmers of all ages.


2. Sharks And Minnows

In this game, one player starts as the shark, and the rest are minnows. The goal is for the minnows to swim from one side of the pool to the other without being tagged by the shark. Once a minnow is tagged, it becomes a shark, too.

The game continues until all minnows are tagged. Sharks and Minnows is a fantastic way to build swimming speed and agility while encouraging friendly competition.

3. Chicken Fight

This game requires two teams of two, where one player sits on the shoulders of the other. The objective is for the top players to try to knock the other team’s top player off their teammate’s shoulders.

The team left standing wins. Chicken Fight is an entertaining team game that strengthens core muscles and balance but should be played cautiously to avoid injury.


4. Pool Volleyball

Pool Volleyball brings the beach sport into the water. A net is set up across the pool, and players can hit the ball back and forth, aiming to get it over the net and land it in the other team’s area.

The first team to miss or let the ball hit the water loses the point. This game encourages teamwork, coordination, and upper-body strength.


5. Diving For Objects

In this game, small weighted objects, such as rings or toys, are thrown into the pool, sinking to the bottom. Players must dive to retrieve the objects. You can vary the difficulty by adjusting the depth or time limits. It’s an excellent game for improving underwater skills, lung capacity, and confidence.


6. Whirlpool

This cooperative game involves all players moving in a circle in the pool, gradually picking up speed to create a “whirlpool” effect.

Once enough momentum is built, players can let go and enjoy being swept along by the current. Whirlpool is great for larger groups and can double as a fun way to teach kids about the physics of water currents.

7. Water Freeze Tag

This game is similar to regular freeze tag but played in the pool. One person is “it” and must tag others to freeze them in place.

The frozen players can only be freed when another player swims through their legs. This game improves swimming stamina and agility while also encouraging cooperation among players.


8. Treasure Hunt

Various objects, like coins or pool toys, are scattered around the pool floor for this game. Players dive in to collect as many items as possible within a set time limit. The player who retrieves the most treasure wins. It’s a fun game for practising diving skills and can be customised with prizes for younger children.


9. Water Basketball

Set up a basketball hoop near the edge of the pool and have players take turns shooting the ball while swimming. Teams can be formed to make it more competitive. Water Basketball is a fantastic way to build hand-eye coordination while improving swimming technique and cardiovascular endurance.

10. Octopus

In this game, one player is the “octopus,” standing in the middle of the pool. The others must swim from one end of the pool to the other without being tagged.

When someone is tagged, they join the octopus in the centre and help tag the remaining players. The last person untagged becomes the next octopus. This game enhances swimming speed and endurance.


11. Relay Races

Divide players into teams and have them race from one side of the pool to the other. Teams can vary their strokes, add obstacles, or pass pool noodles as batons. Relay Races are great for building team spirit, improving swimming technique, and providing a competitive, fun workout.

In private swimming lessons, activities like these can be customised to suit individual skill levels while keeping the learning process enjoyable.


12. Noodle Joust

Players sit on pool noodles and try to knock each other off using another pool noodle as a “jousting” stick. The objective is to be the last person remaining on their noodle. Noodle Jousting is fun and challenging, as it requires balance, coordination, and strategy.

13. Categories

One player stands on the side of the pool and names a category (e.g., colours, animals, countries), and the other players must think of an answer in that category.

When the person outside the pool says “go,” the swimmers try to cross the pool before the player calls out a correct answer. This game improves quick thinking and reaction time in a fun way.


14. King Of The Raft

Players attempt to stay on a float or raft while others try to push them off. The winner is the last person remaining on the raft. This game strengthens core stability and balance, as staying atop the raft requires control over one’s body in a constantly moving environment.


15. Cannonball Contest

Each player takes turns jumping into the pool, aiming to make the biggest splash possible with a cannonball jump. The person with the largest splash wins. It’s a simple yet enjoyable game that helps improve confidence in jumping and water entry.


16. Underwater Race

In an underwater race, players dive below the surface and race from one side of the pool to the other without coming up for air. The first person to reach the end of the pool wins. This game is great for building lung capacity and underwater swimming skills.


17. Ping Pong Ball Race

Place a ping pong ball in the water for each player. The goal is to blow the ball across the pool to the finish line using only your breath. It’s a fun and challenging way to improve breath control and lung strength.


18. Floatie Race

Each player gets on a pool float, and the goal is to race across the pool while staying on the float. You can use any type of inflatable for this race, and it’s a great way to build balance and coordination in the water.

19. Wet T-Shirt Relay

In this relay race, players must swim from one end of the pool to the other wearing an oversized wet t-shirt, take it off, and pass it to the next teammate. The first team to complete the relay wins. This game is hilarious and adds an element of difficulty due to the drag created by the wet shirt.


20. Splash Dance

Turn on some music and have a freestyle “splash dance” contest. Players perform their best dance moves in the water. The most creative or entertaining dancer wins. Splash Dance encourages creativity and water confidence, making it perfect for kids.


21. Simon Says (Pool Edition)

In this water-friendly version of Simon Says, one player gives instructions to others, such as “Simon says swim underwater” or “Simon says float on your back.” This game, often featured in a swimming instructor course, helps players develop listening skills and practise different swimming techniques in a fun, engaging way.

Players only follow the commands if they are preceded by “Simon says,” making it an enjoyable activity for swimmers of all levels. It’s a fun game that helps improve listening skills and encourages different swimming techniques.


22. Underwater Charades

In this game, one player goes underwater and performs a charade while the others guess what they’re miming. The challenge of doing charades underwater adds a fun twist and improves confidence in staying submerged.

23. Handstand Contest

Players perform handstands in the water and the player who holds their handstand the longest without tipping over wins. This game is great for improving balance and strength while having fun.


24. Capture The Flag (Pool Edition)

Players are divided into two teams, each with a “flag” at opposite ends of the pool. The goal is to swim to the opposing team’s flag, retrieve it, and bring it back to their side without being tagged. This game builds strategy, speed, and teamwork.


25. Invisible Bottle

Fill a clear plastic bottle with water and throw it into the pool. Players must then search for the bottle underwater. It’s tricky to find because the bottle blends in with the water. This game helps improve underwater visibility and focus.


Conclusion On Games To Play In A Swimming Pool

Whether you’re looking for games to play in swimming pools and drive some friendly competition or just some light-hearted fun, these games in swimming pool settings offer something for everyone. Not only do these activities boost fitness and encourage teamwork, but they also make any pool gathering memorable.

With so many creative options, these swimming pool games ensure that boredom is never an option. Next time you’re by the pool, try out one of these best swimming pool games and enjoy endless hours of fun in the water!

If you are looking to be more confident in the water and win every pool game, engage with Swimwerks swimming lessons and learn directly from certified swim coaches. Contact us today!


Frequently Asked Questions About Games For The Swimming Pool.

What Are Some Fun Games For Kids To Play In The Swimming Pool?

Some great games for kids to play in the swimming pool include Marco Polo, Sharks and Minnows, and Diving for Objects. These games are easy to learn, promote active play, and keep kids entertained in the water.

What Equipment Do You Need For The Best Swimming Pool Games?

Many of the best swimming pool games only require simple equipment, such as pool noodles, inflatables, diving rings, or a beach ball. Nets for volleyball or basketball hoops may be needed for more complex games.

How Can I Make Swimming Pool Games Safe?

To ensure swimming pool games are safe, establish clear rules before playing, supervise younger swimmers, and avoid overcrowding the pool. Always ensure everyone is aware of the pool’s depth and safety guidelines before starting any game.

Can Adults Enjoy Swimming Pool Games, Too?

Absolutely! Many swimming pool games, such as Water Volleyball, Noodles Jousting, and Chicken Fight, are equally fun for adults. These games are great for exercising, socialising, and having fun with friends in the water.